Download the Advance Copy of New Word Search Book for FREE

The debut book from MerryQuest: a 126 page word search puzzle book. You can print any pages you wish.

The catch? Just leave some feedback. It will only take a minute with a convenient little button.

Just click, type, save. Done.

You will get a button in an email. Kindly just leave a line or two.

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    Enter your email and confirm

    Enter your email address above. Click the button and confirm your email in a single click. Then you will get an email from us.

    Download the book

    When you open the email the full eBook will be attached to download. It will be watermarked but we've made it so it can still be printed and played as normal. It's just for copyright reasons since it has not been published yet.

    Leave feedback. Takes just a minute.

    There will also be a button where you can leave feedback. You can write it in the form of a review if you wish. This makes it easier than going through replies to multiple emails.

    The feedback will be really helpful to us to factor in before launch and see if any changes should be made.